ropshell> use a10837f5f9c0341c035a5bb4941c250e (download)
name         : vuln (x86_64/RAW)
base address : 0x0
total gadgets: 9882
ropshell> suggest "stack pivoting"
> 0x0008d826 : mov rsp, rcx; ret
> 0x000667a2 : xchg eax, esp; ret
> 0x0008d827 : mov esp, ecx; ret
> 0x0004a7f7 : mov esp, edx; call rbp
> 0x0004add0 : mov esp, esi; call r15
> 0x00082869 : mov rsp, r8; mov rbp, r9; nop ; jmp rdx
> 0x0001ae84 : xchg edi, esp; add al, [rax]; add dh, dh; ret
> 0x0008286a : mov esp, eax; mov rbp, r9; nop ; jmp rdx
> 0x0000f834 : lea rsp, [rbp - 0x20]; pop rbx; pop r12; pop r13; pop r14; pop rbp; ret
> 0x0000f835 : lea esp, [rbp - 0x20]; pop rbx; pop r12; pop r13; pop r14; pop rbp; ret
> 0x00084f08 : push rsp; pop rsp; and eax, [rax]; mov [rax], rdx; add rsp, 8; ret
> 0x00086dd1 : mov esp, ebx; mov rbx, rax; nop cs:[rax + rax]; call [r12]
> 0x000a96f7 : xchg esp, edi; adc ch, [rip + 0x8acc8c6]; and cs:[rax], edx; jmp [rdi]
> 0x0000ea63 : lea esp, [rbx + rax*8 + 8]; nop [rax + rax]; call [rbx]
> 0x00000b6d : leave ; ret